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Our Ambassadors

Improving the Lives of Scotland's Young People

 The key to reaching as many young people, schools, colleges and rural businesses is  partnerships and working with others, who also passionately want to see the Scottish countryside thrive.

Working with groups and schools giving young people the chance to see just what a career in the countryside could mean to them - giving them positive career choices and improved mental well-being.

 We’d love for you to get involved with Countryside Learning Scotland. We value your support  to help us improve young people's lives and make the Scottish rural environment a vibrant one.


Please get in touch to find out more about working in partnership, funding and volunteering opportunities

Sustainable Energy
Beekeeper Holding a Honeycomb
Bicycling in the Woods
Whitewater Kayaker
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What is Countryside Learning Scotland (CLS) ?

CLS is a countryside education charity formed in 2003

  • We provide countryside educational, awareness, training and career opportunities.

  •  We encompass all areas of the land; from recreation to land management to conservation and the environment.

  • We help sustain Scotland’s managed environments and wild places.

  • We open young people's eyes to what the countryside has to offer them and what they have to offer the countryside.

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 Scottish Charity Number: SC034859          Company Registration Number: SC326213


Proud to work with.....

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