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Our Residential Programme

We are working with residential centres, rural businesses and partners across Scotland to develop a new range of residential learning experiences giving a greater sense of practical hands on rural life. We are initially focusing on core education from Primary 6 to Secondary 6 and hope to provide opportunities for a greater range of demographics outside core education in the future.  Our Residential Programme will run in conjunction with our Pathways to Rural Work initiative. 

Rural experience residential 

This 4 night residential, although not exclusively, is aimed at primary 6 & 7 and S1 and S2. This experience will give the participants an opportunity to learn about farming, forestry, game and wildlife management with the re-occurring themes of careers, sustainability and biodiversity being explored. In 2020 these courses will be delivered at the off-grid Shieling Project, enhancing the learning experience even more so!

Rural Skills

Working in partnership with Borders College we will be delivering the SCQF level 4 Rural Skills Course. We are aiming this course at S3 and S4 pupils from both the Countryside and City alike! In 2020 we will be based at PGL Dalguise and farms in Perthshire

Coming soon

Spring 2020: Land-based CPD residential for teachers and careers advisers. (Postponed due to Covid -19)

DAVID RITCHIE Residential programme manager
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