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Scottish Angling National Development Strategy (SANDS)

SANDS information flier


Pupils from Brechin HS learning about river management and Angling on Gannochy estate with CLS an the Angus Glens Moorland Group




To create a national angling growth and development template to be delivered through the Fishery Management Scotland (FMS), District Salmon Fishery Boards (DSFB's) and Trusts infrastructure.




Create a national structure that will provide the opportunity for all demographics, particularly young people from all backgrounds and abilities, to get involved in the sport of angling and all the benefits it offers. The programme will be delivered locally through the DSFBs from a national development template including volunteer training, event organisation and the creation of angling partner clusters.


       Strategic Objectives

  • Create and sustain a trained volunteer base to support the delivery of the programme locally.

  • Provide support to participating DSFBs on setting up, delivering and funding a sustainable, realistic local development structure suitable for their resources, geography, demographics etc

  • Build a communication structure between FMS, the DSFBs and external partners on a regular basis to share good and bad practice and ensure working within the national development plan.

  • Ensure the plan is promoted locally and nationally.


       Local Delivery objectives

  • Create a local delivery plan considering the areas resources - geography, demographics, suitable Facilities, local funding, suitable partners and number of volunteers.

  • Create a new growth and development steering group

  • Create and sustain a network of trained volunteers through the Countryside Learning Scotland Rural Volunteer Award (RVA) Course.

  • Begin the delivery of the development plan


       National Delivery objectives

  • Set up a structure of National meetings to ensure continuity and sharing of good and bad practice.

  • Promote the new programme with the relevant media and authorities.

  • Source ongoing sustainability funding 

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High volunteer numbers required in angling for tutor to participant ratios


Angus Glens Game keepers delivering angling after having gone through their RVA course with CLS

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